luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Words ...

I wish you could hold me in your arms the way i do ... I wish you could bring beaty from my pain, i wish you could cherish the days we are together ... I wish a lot of things. But you cannot make my wishes come true. Or, maybe you don't want to ..

I'll be loving you my entire life, i'll be wishing all those things all my life. And i'll keep hoping.

And I stand in the rain, waiting for you, i am all alone, i feel like all it's going down. But my first tear, will be covered by the water particles. I'll fall down and you won't be there to catch me. But my hopes keep me from giving up.

And i stand in the rain, thinking maybe you'll be there, you'll come to save me from my fears ...

And i can still smile ... even if i know you won't come, you won't be there for me... And i'm waiting, and i'm dying inside, little by little ...

E dimineata.O noua zi cu tine!
In picur, iar vom umple noi paharul
In inima, asteapta iarasi jarul
Sa arda in foc viu doar pentru tine.

Cuprinde-ma.In brate vreau sa-ti cad
Umbreste-ma pe-obraz c-o sarutare
In ochii mei vreau zambetul sa-ti scalzi
Ca ziua de-azi sa-ti para o visare.

Caci soarta fara mila ne desira ata
O viata-ntreaga fara de oprire
Si noi flamanzi mereu suntem sa facem piata

Sa cumparam mereu numai dulceata
Sa nu lasam sa scape clipa de iubire
Ci s-o sorbim in picur toata viata.

Un comentariu:

  1. atat de frumos, atat de adevarat...
    de ce nu toata lumea o soarbe "in picur toata viata" ?
